Non auxilium mundi crescente quia MCMLXXXIII

CCL PSI Piston aes High Nitrogen pressura Regulator

Short description:


R96 Series PISONIS pressura regulator, output firmum, altum fluxus, salus quod est disposito ad altum pressura et altum fluunt et idoneam ad industria et lab.

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  • Product Detail


    Productum parametri



    Product Tags

    R96 Suis Piston Piston pressura Regulator, output stabilitatem, altum fluxus, safte et certa, disposito ad excelsum outlet scriptor applicari ad manual vestibulum etc.

    pressura regulator

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  • Structura

    Piston pressura redigo pressura

    Structure superitas fabed aquam

    2-1 / II "pressura MODULUS

    Latin: Ul

    CE: En334: MMV + A1: MMIX

    WieGHT: 2.35kg


    Corpus: Brass

    Bonnet: aes

    Diaphragm: Neoprene

    Stainer: Bronze


    Non-Mors Gas

    Purgate ratio

    Test Laboratory

    Industrialis fabricantium


    XIIIs the use of control valve body of the opening and closing member to regulate the flow of the medium, the pressure of the medium will be reduced, while the role of the pressure after the valve to adjust the opening and closing member to keep the pressure after the valve within a certain range, and in the valve body or after the valve sprayed into the cooling water, the temperature of the medium will be reduced, this valve is called pressure reduction temperature reduction valve. De his valvae est ut exitum pressura et temperatus valorem intra quaedam range sub conditione mutantur in pressura. Pressura reducendo valvae est necessarium accessorium pro pneumaticae control valve, pelagus munus est ad depressurize pressura est aerem fons et stabiliendum est ad certum aerem, ut imperium valere potest habere firmum aerem, ut potestate ad ordinacionem et imperium. Hoc genus valvae in Pipeline debet plerumque installed horizontaliter.

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